Oliver Malcolm Takes the Next Step Forward in His Musical Evolution With 'Act Two' [Q&A]

Photo: Amelie Ripley

With wizard-like sonic capabilities and a full blender of styles and influences, it's hard to surmise what Oliver Malcolm is but not hard in the slightest to appreciate all he is capable of. With the release of his new EP, Act Two, and a fun new video for the standout single "Day x Day" to match, we had no choice but to dig into the latest from this London-based artist.

Ones To Watch: Who is Oliver Malcolm? 

Oliver Malcolm: An extension of the most creative parts of my imagination. An artist. Someone who loves music, someone who loves fashion, and, actually, a music nerd. A human being. 

What is Act Two all about? 

Act Two is like the next step in my sonic evolution and it's about setting the groundwork and setting the foundation of what I believe my brand is, which is good quality, consistent music. Music that is authentic, music that feels real to me and unique, but still accessible and still digestible. And “Day x Day” is quite a good representation of the project because it's simple, but it still sounds unique. And to make something in this day and age, you know, when 70,000 songs are dropped today, to be able to make something that stands out, that is minimal and unique, I think that in itself is just a result of a lot of creation, a lot of trial and error. And like a step-by-step process and day-by-day process. I think this song, for as simple as it is, it still strikes a chord in you. 

 As a capable world builder, the options are endless… How’d you come up with your sound design?  

Experimentation, the same way that a scientist comes up with a new medicine or new formulas, experiments. When I go into the studio, I'm just doing science experiments. I'm just experimenting 99% of the time. 95% of the experiments go wrong. 1,000 ideas go wrong, but it's the 1,001st where you end up being Thomas Edison with a light bulb. 

 Any notable collaborators? Any help with production?  

I did Act Two by myself, but I was just in the studio with Martin Garrix and he was mad inspiring, because he was playing all different kinds of sounds. That inspired me to go off and be like, well, I'll make some new shit that I didn't even think I'll make. 

 How do you collect the influences for your work? 

I get really inspired by other people's music and just life in general. I get my influences from anything and everything. I could look at the side of a truck and it could be a horse in the desert, and then boom, a concept comes to me. Or me and someone could be having a conversation and something comes out of that or I'm listening to someone else's music and that inspires me or working with other people inspires me. Working with other people who are high-level artists inspires me—and I don't mean high-level as in like A-listers—I mean, like as in good artists. They could be a busker on the street but a high-level artist is still a high-level artist. People like that inspire me. I actually came up with all the videos for Act One and Act Two during a 45-minute session in the steam room at my gym. And "Day x Day" was one of them. And all the stuff that we're doing in the video is practical, like the roses that come down at the end, they were literally tied to strings. I'm not saying though "this is what it means this is what it is," you know, I leave the end of it open so it becomes a dance, so it becomes a conversation. I'm not telling you what the roses at the end mean, I'm not telling you what the mannequins mean, I'm not telling you what the mask means. Because then it opens the door for conversation, because it makes you part of the experience as well - your interpretation of it, your analyzation of it. 

Can we expect more of this style in the future?  

Expect the unexpected. You can never expect nothing with me. The whole point is just when you think you know it- BOOM, puff of smoke and I'm in another place. I'm like a magician.  

Besides this excellent EP, what else should we be on the lookout for?  

New music. New fashion. New content, new collaborations. New music videos. Shows. Everything. 

What’s inspiring you right now outside of music?  

Traveling. Traveling has been very inspiring lately. Being in the States, meeting new people, linking back up with collaborators who I grew up with. Fashion, like I feel quite inspired on the fashion tip after being in New York. 

Who are your Ones To Watch?  

Myself! I know this is Ones To Watch, but just take off the “s”! If you're not watching me, then I'm not doing my job. 90% of this is self-belief. I think the other 10% is dance moves. I think it's a little more but you do have to have those dances. 

Listen to Act Two below:

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