Austin's Hailey Orion Delivers Two Hypnotically Breezy Singles With "Only If" & "Oh Well" [PREMIERE]


Hailey Orion may be a new name to most, but with her airy, emotion-filled vocals that come straight from the heart, it’s easy to feel her potential to speak volumes. Orion's vocals come in waves and layers, building melodies around her diary entry-like lyrics. She finds her strengths from her personal experiences, whether she's speaking on her own heartbreaks or her own confidence. Today, we premiere a pair of singles that fall on par for Orion's level of vulnerability. “Only If” is the classic “It’s not you, it’s me” reconciliation, and “Oh Well” explores coming to terms with having to dust yourself off and moving on for growth.

Orion pairs up with her closest collaborator, Malik, who has produced all of her work to date. These two artists work in a seamless synergy, with Malik’s organic pop production leaving enough room for Orion to work through her emotions. Malik also shows up vocally on “Oh Well,” providing that male balance to play the role for Orion's venting lyrics. Malik and Orion have been crafting their teamwork for years, as Malik had also fully produced Orion's previous EP, deadly. Malik may be a familiar name to some, with appearances on both of Ariana Grande’s last two albums, "better off" from Sweetener, and "make up" from thank u, next.


Both of Orion's singles fall in line with her current rollout titled The Orion Series, as each subsequent single is to be titled in an acrostic fashion to spell out ORION. Her last EP was an impressive journey through the seven deadly sins and how they make themselves apparent in her life.  

With the level of thought and polish put into a concept EP, we’re interested to see what the Orion Series may come to be. Orion's southern charm is on display with both “Only If” and “Oh Well,” with both songs depicting a heart touching conversation with a friend over coffee as she sorts out some of her relationship woes.  

Hailey Orion is an easy artist to cheer for, and an easy artist to relate to. Check out both singles below:

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