1990nowhere Delivers Some Much Needed Nostalgia


I've always been a fan of Lostboycrow, Olivver The Kid, and Armors, so you can understand my excitement when I learned that they were coming together to create the new band, 1990nowhere. Their self-titled EP, 1990nowhere transports you into the past and wraps you with all the nostalgic feelings you've been yearning for. The three-piece band has brought the sounds of early-2000s pop rock, to the present, and has intertwined a unique indie twist throughout.

"Trying to stay level

Putting salt on snow

Someone get a shovel

Bury all my foes"

Every verse of their latest release, "Sundance Kid," makes you want to chant and sing along. Whether you're feeling happy, sad, or angry, this track presents you the opportunity to let go and be free. It's not everyday you find a song that brings you solace and joy all at once, but 1990nowhere has hit the nail on the head and has provided a 4-track EP of just that.

We had the opportunity to sit down *virtually* with Chris, Bryan and Olen to discuss the making of their debut EP, how they came together as a new band, and what they hope to accomplish.

Ones to Watch: Congrats on releasing the final single "Sundance Kid" off your EP! Was there a specific reason you saved this track for last?

Bryan: "Sundance Kid" is definitely a special song for us. It has a lot of energy, and is a song we're very excited to play live. We felt this would be a good one to end with to end on a high note - i feel like bands normally roll out their slower songs later and we wanted to end with potentially the most energetic on EP1.

Where does the name 1990nowhere come from?

Chris: I feel like most things floating around in my mind can serve one of three purposes. Song name. Band name. Album title. I’d had the name 1990nowhere in my back pocket around when we started making music together, unsure of which category it would fall under. After going through a couple joke names that didn't stick Bryan reminded me of this name I'd mentioned to him and kind of forgotten about. It then seemed like the obvious choice - something that encapsulates who we are, the nostalgia and the dash of obscurity with which we approach our songs.

You each have your own artist project, Chris Blair (Lostboycrow, Asking For A Friend), Bryan Sammis (Olivver The Kid, La Bouquet), and Olen Kittelsen (Armors). What initiated the decision to join forces and create 1990nowhere and how did you all meet?

Bryan: Me, Sam (Producer) & Olen all met at a show years ago that La Bouquet & Armors played together. Shortly after we started working on some commercial work together. One fateful evening I brought Chris down to the studio to meet the boys. We made a song called "$20" that day in like 5 hours - from then on out it's been so seamless it's seemed like kind of a no-brainer. It's so much fun, and comes so naturally that it seemed only right to share with the world and give this thing a fair shake.

Olen: We really approached the project, at least initially, without any real overarching goal or motivation other than just getting together to write songs with each other. I think that no-pressure mindset led to such an enjoyable process and I'm so glad it became 1990nowhere.

What inspired the nostalgic sound of the band?

Bryan: Personally I have always been enamored with nostalgia. It's one of the strongest emotions one can feel (in my opinion). I think we started just doing what came naturally and at the time, Chris was bringing a lot of 90's riffs to the table and I think the rest of us just naturally globbed onto that ear candy. Sometimes it's more creative to work within a thinly laid set of minuscule parameters. It really has brought out the best in each of us.

You guys are each incredible singers and musicians, how do you decide who does what? What is the song writing process between the three of you?

Bryan: Thank you for saying that. I think it depends on the song & the part, the emotion, the vibe. A lot of it depends on who the song starts with & also who is feeling the strongest about that particular song. I like to think we are all capable of seeing who would fit best where & not getting too emotionally invested in having OUR part in a song. We all genuinely want what's best for the song.

Chris: totally - It's always been really effortless to come with an idea and know that two of your all time favorite singers/lyricists are sitting on either side of you to take an idea and run with it. Or vice versa. I think it comes down to a lot of trust and admiration for everyone in the room.

Olen: Echoing Bryan and Chris here but absolutely. It's so awesome to belong to a group that is in equal parts support system and band. I love these dudes and getting to make music with them is a joyous experience. And in an environment like that, where there is nothing but trust, the end result is always something we're collectively very proud of.

Is there a prominent message you hope your listeners take away from this EP?

Bryan: Friendship is important. Friendship is beautiful.

Chris: Solidarity. Boisterous fun. Solace.

Once the world is *eventually* back to a normal state, what do you hope to accomplish? Are there any tour discussions?

Chris: I think we all love taking our experience on the road into the studio - thinking what would be fun to sing or play live. Ultimately we wanna get on the road and stay on the road and be a family in a van spreading our message of love and friendship and losing guitar picks on stage.

Who are your Ones to Watch?

Bryan: Stretched, Jez Dior, 1990nowhere.

Olen: Fast Friends, Samia, Younger Hunger, Del Water Gap

Chris: babygirl, the band ice cream, honeywhip

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