Taylor Acorn Wears Heart On Her Sleeve In New EP 'Certified Depressant' [Track By Track] | THE NOISE

Pop-punk singer-songwriter Taylor Acorn's forthcoming EP, Certified Depressant, out on September 22, is a whirlwind collection of diary-esque creations documenting the last few years of her life. Armed with life's lessons, the eight-track body of work oozes with emotion and showcases the artist's growth and ability to write deeply relatable works of sonic art.

Each song details her experiences with her struggles with her mental health, losing and finding love, life, and everything in between. The EP takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions that mirror how we can sometimes go through life. The record shares that life can be a little crazy and overwhelming at times, but we are all on this crazy ride together.

While we would love to list every song we loved on the EP, we had the honor of inviting Acorn to walk us through their track-by-track thoughts on the stellar EP.

"Sticking Around"

I feel like I really aired my dating life out when it comes to the writing of "Sticking Around." It may 100% be the Virgo in me, but over the years, I found in relationships that I have a really hard time letting people who want to be in my life in and especially when it comes to intimate relationships. I wanted to be honest about my struggle with avoidant attachment but at the same time, put a fun/funny spin on it so that people who experience the same thing can not only relate but also have a good time while listening to it too!

"Certified Depressant"

"Certified Depressant" was the first song that I knew I wanted on the EP, hence the title of the EP. I feel like it is ME laid out in 2 minutes and 49 seconds. I'm a chronic people pleaser, I'm not perfect nor will I ever be, I struggle with conversations, comparison, anxiety, my weight, all of the things that in turn make me human. I just felt like it gives listeners a little more insight on who I am and hopefully if they experience the same feelings they know they aren't alone in it.

"I Think I'm in Love"

I wrote "I Think I'm In Love" about 3.5 years ago, believe it or not. I had finally healed from a pretty rough relationship I was in and ended up in a really amazing relationship. However, with bad relationships come bad habits, and to be honest I had no idea how to actually fall in love until it started happening. It was weird and confusing, and I was so scared that any misstep I made he'd be gone (hint -he's still here :) ). But it's really just about those beginning stages and how exciting love can be. I think it's such a fun song, and I don't really EVER write about love, but hey, it had to happen sometime.

"Good Enough"

"Good Enough" is my baby. It's one of if not my favorite song off of the EP. A huge thing for me when it comes to writing is honesty. If I've lived it I will write about it and so that's what I did. I will be honest to say that self doubt consumes me sometimes (it's something a lot of therapy and anxiety meds are helping me through) but it does. I felt for a long time I wasn't good enough to be an artist. I wasn't cool enough or interesting enough. Truth is, that's not the truth and what is the truth is that we are what our brains make us believe we are. It's hard, but once you start looking at the positive, stop caring about what you think others will think of you, that's when the cool stuff starts to happen. This was very long winded but I think it's an important thing to note when it comes to anything or anyone in life. Just be you because you wanna be you and everything will fall into place.

"Famous Last Words"

I thought the EP was finished until we wrote "Famous Last Words" and I just felt in my bones it needed to be on there. I love this song, I think it's so fun and relatable, especially when you're just a girl trying to find her footing life and in her sexuality (which is something I tend to not write about often). I really love this one and I hope listeners do also!


"Psycho" was another I knew I wanted to be a part of the project. It's fun, it's spicy, and a lot of people seemed to really resonate with it, especially those who have been in a toxic relationship. I think I will love this song forever and I think it fits so well with the other songs also.


"Coma" I think is one of my favorite songs I've ever written. I wrote it with Cassadee Pope who I am a huge fan of and I knew the day we finished it and got it back that it was a special one. In comparison to the other songs it's definitely a darker tone, but I feel like the project needed that balance. I was in a very mentally and emotionally abusive relationship for a very long time and didn't even really realize how bad it was until I was out of it and finally living for myself. I look back on photos of myself and I don't even recognize that person or even remember the feeling of what it was like to be me back then and I feel like there are a lot of people who probably do or have felt the same way. It's just a really powerful one in my opinion and I'm really happy it made it on the project.

"Everything Sucks"

"Everything Sucks," I wrote right after getting back from our tour with the Summer Set. That tour was so incredible, the fans were amazing, the shows were amazing, but it was everything in between that was pretty tragic. Our trailer opened up on the highway, and we lost a bunch of stuff, my van broke down 3 times even after paying an arm and a leg for a new transmission, I was struggling with an autoimmune situation that I have going on, and mentally/ financially it was really hard. To be honest, I was pretty unsure of how I'd be able to bounce back from it, then to top it off as soon as I got back home a tire on my car blew. I just felt like someone, or something was out to get me, but then I remembered on the flip side how good I actually have it. I can do what I love, I have a great partner, my bandmates are my family, and they seriously held me together, my fans are incredible, my actual family is incredible, there was still a lot of beauty in all of the chaos, and I just wanted to write about it. That's when "Everything Sucks" was born.

Be sure to check out Taylor Acorn's latest EP, Certified Depressant, September 22 on all streaming platforms!

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