Point North Wants Us To 'Prepare For Despair' On Apocalyptic Thrid LP [Track by Track] | THE NOISE

Point North have finally released their long-awaited third full-length album, Prepare For Despair, marking three years since their debut, Brand New Vision. The California-based trio is back with a fresh collection of songs that takes listeners on a journey into the apocalypse.

The eleven-track body of work is a rollercoaster from start to finish, diving into heavy topics like politics, the flaws of the music industry, and mental health with unabashed honesty. Standout tracks like "Psycho," "Safe and Sound," and "Someone You Don't Know" show off the band's growth and broadening horizons while seamlessly blending signature Point North elements. A prime example is their previously released "Safe And Sound," where listeners see the band lean into heavier, more impactful sound featuring melodic verses, chugging guitars, epic guitar breakdowns, and of course, the throat-shattering metalcore euphoria from Jonathan Vigil, lead singer of The Ghost Inside.

The band have shared their track-by-track thoughts behind the apocalyptic album with The Noise and opened up about their influences and creative process below!

Like A Weapon

This song Andy and I wrote in a cabin in Lake Tahoe when we decided to take a writing retreat. I think it was one of the first ideas we had on that trip, and we knew right away it was the album opener.


This song we wrote with our good friend Bruce Weigner. It originally started out as a very poppy song, but while we were defining our sound throughout the recording process, each song got heavier and darker along the way. This was one of my favorites lyrically as it touches on a personal experience dealing with anxiety.

Prepare For Despair

This song was actually one of the two songs we decided to record just a week before the album masters were due. We decided there weren't enough new songs on the albums for fans to enjoy. So this got written and produced in just a couple days.

Safe And Sound

Originally written with ourselves, no love for the middle child, and zero 9:36, this song took many shapes and forms before becoming its final form. After Neil from A Day To Remember added his bridge breakdown section, I knew we needed Jonathan Vigil on it immediately. Our band grew up massive TGI fans, and this was just a dream come true and a real dream team of writers and producers. Definitely one of our favorites!

Below The Belt

 When I wrote this song last year, my studio was flooded from the massive amounts of rain that came to Los Angeles. I wrote the demo in my roommate at the Times studio and knew right away it was for the album. With the instrumental pulling from bands like Killswitch Engage, the chorus was actually inspired by Britney Spears. Pretty opposite side of the spectrum, but it worked out!

Your Wish Is My Command

Another track Andy and I wrote on our winter writing trip to Lake Tahoe. We love to write in six but know that songs in six don't always do very well. So we wanted to rise to the challenge and make the best Point North song in six we could. The song is about not being able to move forward until certain things are set right. It's a band favorite for sure, and we're so happy to see it get all the love we think it deserves!

Social Suicide

Written by myself and my friend Rajiv, an incredible writer/producer based in Nashville, this song originated as a pitch song for someone else. But the band and our team all agreed it was just too good to give away. After tweaking the instrumental and overall tone, the lyrics and melodies never changed, and it became the emo banger it is today.

Up On A Hill

The second of the two songs written and recorded the week the album masters were due. This song actually starts with circus music because I'm singing from the view of the type of person who will never admit they're wrong, even when every fact proves that they are. They are in fact, clowns. Hence the circus music intro. Don't be a clown.


This song was written upon the overturning of Roe V. Wade, and we wanted to make an art piece that expressed our frustration and support to those who were and still are effected by it. Abortion is healthcare, and everyone has the right to bodily autonomy.

Someone You Don't Know

This song was written as the Hail Mary before the final two songs were written. We thought THIS was going to be the last song written for the album. With that in mind, we weren't afraid to get a little more weird with the musicality and took some chances. This song is about how everyone we work with becomes our friend, but when people show their true colors and only act in the interest of themselves, we're out a work friend but also just a friend. That can make this industry very lonely.

Dark Days

The first single to be released on this album. This song I actually wrote in a Target and still have the voice memo for on my phone. I knew exactly what I wanted to say and even had the melody down. I just needed to get home and write the instrumental. We were so stoked to have Jeris Johnson be a part of this one; we are huge fans of what he is doing. Hopefully, when fans finish the album with this song, they can feel a sense of relief knowing the chaos or "despair" is over, and they can take a breath. The track order was methodical that way!

Be sure to check out Point North's latest album, Prepare For Despair, today!

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