Lexi Jayde Sings Her Truth on "hate to be you" [Q&A]


Photos: Weslee Kate

hate to be you.

In Lexi Jayde’s new single, "hate to be you," she once again hits the proverbial nail right on the head.

hate to be you" is a lyrical story that artistically breaks down the process of healing after a painful betrayal. The song holds the perfect degree of petty mixed mixed with a healthy dose of honesty, balancing the whole narrative. The track builds up into a cathartic crescendo while never losing its soft and delicate core. It highlights the sadness and denial that builds up through a breakup while on the hunt for closure and peace.

Jayde's performance leaves little to be desired as it is awash with raw emotions that are kept in check by her controlled vocals. Her soft voice brings an intriguing juxtaposition to the biting lyrics throughout the compelling track.

"hate to be you" seems to be the next song in an emotional progression after the heartbreaking "drunk text me." In comparison, "hate to be you" is full of radical acceptance, as petty as it may be. It is an empowering and much-needed song for the hurt and broken-hearted. “I’d hate to be you” is truly an anthem for anyone working to heal a broken heart, a reminder that they will be okay in the end… and that the person who caused the damage is stuck knowing what they lost and why they lost it.

We had the pleasure of chatting with Lexi all about the process of working on this single, the emotions surrounding it, and much more.


Ones to Watch: How are you doing today? How are you feeling?

Lexi Jayde: I'm doing incredible! I'm in such a great place in my life and so excited for the year ahead.

"hate to be you" is incredibly emotional and raw. What was the writing process like for this track?

The writing process was so much fun. I wrote it with this amazing writer Mags Duval and producer Nick Ruth. I've been wanting to write an angry break up song for a while now, so when we finished writing it I was thrilled. Coming up with these lyrics was so much fun and we had a lot of laughs and screams during the process.

Do you find therapy in the writing process or by the time you put something into song have you already processed the emotions behind the story?

I always find therapy in the writing process with all my music. Even if my feelings have already been processed, it always gives me a sense of closure when finishing a song. I think even after a song is released it still continuously is therapy for me, especially when I scream it in my car. Every song of mine tells a story of either something I went through or explains the emotions I'm feeling, so with this new music it's kind of a mix of both. Writing about what I went through actually helped me get over the pain.

Your single "drunk text me" was a massive success, how did that feel to experience as a new artist?

Honestly, it was and still is so surreal. I will never forget the release process for this song and every little moment I've got to experience so far. I could cry just thinking about how grateful I am for all the love it's received. It really makes me the happiest girl to know that I'm able to make music about these experiences I go through and help so many people around the world!

You recently toured with Adam Melchor. How was the tour experience for you? Did you learn anything new about yourself as a person or as an artist through the experience?

Going on tour with Adam was one of the best experiences of my life. I will never ever forget it. I definitely learned how to take care of my voice over a long period of time and self-care in general. It's hard to be away from home for a long period of time, but that's all worth it when you're on stage and meeting fans. I love performing so much and touring is just one of the most amazing feelings.


What inspires you, something you go back to time and again when you feel stuck or need to re-center?

I love to hang out with my friends, do something fun. Maybe go on a drive and scream some songs, take a walk around my neighborhood. I think being surrounded by people you love always brings out the best in you! So for me, being around my friends always inspires me and pulls me out of a bad headspace.

What do you hope people take away from "hate to be you"?

I think this song is very empowering in a lot of ways for women. So many people I know get cheated on, or go through awful breakups with their ex. I want every person that hears this to know their worth and know how amazing they are. Heartbreak is very painful, especially when the heartbreak comes from betrayal. Just know you’re better without that person in your life and you will meet someone one day who will show you love that you've never known before. We're all in this together!

Most people who go through a challenging relationship and breakup never get to let people know how they really felt once things are settled and done. Is there an excitement in getting to speak or rather sing your truth?

There is definitely excitement because I never got to say what I needed to say, but on the other hand there's also a sense of nerves. I think saying your truth no matter what is always a little scary. But I'm very proud of it, and I think it's going to help so many girls who have had similar experiences heal.

The production and vocals on your singles is always stellar. How many revisions do your songs typically go through before you are happy with the final mix, and how do you decide when a song is done?

Honestly, it really depends! "hate to be you" I think went back three different times to the studio to re-record/write/fix vocals. My team and I are a little bit of perfectionists so we always want to make sure we can get the best version of my songs possible. I know a song is done when I can't stop hitting replay in my car lol. It's the best feeling getting a final mix back, especially after going back and forth with different versions.

Anything else you would like to share?

All I have to say is 2022 is going to be an incredible year and I'm so excited for the world to hear what I've been working on. So much to look forward to, and I'm just so insanely grateful for the love I've been and continuing to receive on my music. Thank you to every single person who supports me on this journey! I love you <3

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