Flower Face Delivers a Song For the Season With "Pisces Moon" [Q&A]


Flower Face is an artist who has battled life, built up scar tissue and sings the sinews of those skin chords in a melancholic way few artists can, nor even attempt. Wanting to hear more about her latest single, as well as grab a playlist of her current favorites, we reached out to this emotionally immersive artist to gain further insight into her craft.

Ones to Watch: Who is Flower Face?  

Flower Face: Still figuring that one out...  

What is "Pisces Moon" all about?  

"Pisces Moon" is about finding the balance between being true to your heart and giving up your dignity - difficult to draw that line when you're in love. I tend to veer towards losing my pride and laying it all at someone's feet. There's something beautiful about that... but you also have to figure out how to pick yourself up afterward.

The song has such an earnest, nuanced feel, how'd you settle on composition?

I wanted this to be a classic Flower Face power ballad. Back when I was doing all my own production, in my bedroom on GarageBand, I would build up these huge instrumentals, just using a keyboard soundbank. Now that I was in a real studio, it was possible to take that idea to the next level. Having real strings was a game-changer.  

Any songwriting collaborator? Who produced the track?  

I do all my writing, but Josh Kaiser and Jay Merrow had a lot to do with arranging some of the instrumentation. They were both producers as well, along with myself and Alex Bonenfant.

How do you think your sound has evolved since the Fever Dreams era?  

Like I was saying earlier, I've always aimed for this big cinematic sound - the goal has stayed the same, but as my resources and connections have expanded, I've been able to take that to the next level and really achieve a sound I always dreamed about. My vocals are also a lot more clear... I've never been confident in my voice, so I used to bury it under layers of reverb and other sounds. I've had to let the people I work with push me to bring it to the foreground.  

Can we expect more of this style in the future, potentially on an upcoming album?  

Absolutely. My new record comes out May 27, and it's very big and dark and cinematic.  

Besides this excellent single what else should we be on the lookout for?  

The video for this song was directed by Mathew Pimental, an amazing videographer from Detroit. He worked on the video for "Cornflower Blue" as well, and we just clicked so well on an artistic level. The video for "Pisces Moon" is so important to the feeling of the song, so I recommend experiencing them together!  

What's inspiring you right now outside of music?  

I've seen a lot of great movies lately, now that theatres have reopened here. I'm also always reading - I just finished a booked called "Everyone In This Room Will Someday Be Dead" by Emily Austin, a Canadian writer. I connected to it in a serious way.

Its Women's History month, what's that mean to you personally?  

I wouldn't be where I am now without the women who've inspired me both artistically and personally. I feel like my life has been defined largely by my relationship with my mom and nana, my friendships with women, and my admiration for female artists and writers. Celebrate women every day!  

Who are your Ones to Watch?  

I love CupcakKe, she's one of my favourite rappers. She's such a smart writer. Her lyrics are hilarious and so clever. I'm also pretty sure she's been self-releasing her whole life, totally independent. She's made a lot of smart moves and I think she'll start collaborating with a lot of cool artists soon. Hopefully Flower Face. I'm praying.

For more on Flower Face, check out her Pisces picks below.

Mitski -  "Love Me More"

I’ve been listening to Mitski’s new record all the time - this is my favourite. Such a great pop song that’s simultaneously heartbreaking, which I think is the ultimate combo.

Weyes Blood -  "Movies"

One long, beautiful crescendo. I also love movies.

Sinead O'Connor -  "Drink Before The War"

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been listening to this constantly since it played on Euphoria - but it has been inspiring me, because musically it’s so simple, but it does so much.

Black Country, New Road -  "The Place Where He Inserted The Blade"

My boyfriend is really into this band and was playing this album in the car all the time, and during this song I really tuned in and connected to it in a pretty intense way. The lyrics are great. That first verse kind of shatters me.

Aurora -  "A Dangerous Thing"

Aurora is one of my favourite artists. I never get tired of her voice. I’m choosing this song but honestly her entire new record is beautiful.

Damien Rice -  "Elephant"

I’ve loved Damien Rice since I was a sad young tween, but I’ve been diving back into his discography lately. This isn’t my favourite song of his but there’s just something about him suddenly breaking into a scream about how horny he is (literally) four minutes into this beautiful delicate song that I really respect. Inspires me to just go for it, you know?

Half Waif -  "Blinking Light"

I love Half Waif. Something about her voice and chord progressions just reaches part of my brain that most music doesn’t.

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